Do you answer “yes” to any of these?

  • Is your private equity/investment organization looking for expertise, research and advice in the industrial/manufacturing operations technology space?

  • Do you need help bridging your products/organization to serve the industrial operations/maintenance technology world and would benefit from subject matter expertise?

  • Would you like to get your SaaS software company to the next level - sales, marketing, product, etc.?

  • Do you have a growing industrial cloud software company and receive emails from investment firms and not sure if ready to sell?

I am an independent consultant that coaches organizations in various ways. Whether you are:

  • Investment organizations looking to capitalize on the amazing manufacturing technology space

  • Manufacturer looking to navigate the massive world of maintenance operations technology

  • Industrial maintenance technology organization looking to improve penetration or broaden your reach

  • Software company looking to break through to the next level

I can help!


Industrial Technology Consultant, Technologist & Futurist:

  • Competition/market-landscape/thesis research

  • Investment community analysis, guidance, diligence and post-acquisition support

  • Bridging relationships between CMMS/EAM/Asset-Lifecycle and hardware vendors to broaden your reach

  • Building out or improving your CMMS/EAM product

  • Expanding the reach and relationship of CMMS/EAM with adjacent technologies: CCMS, MES, ERP, EHS, IWMS, etc.

  • Evangelizing the power and ROI of CMMS to your organization, users, clients, prospects, etc.

Example: SaaS Operations response to COVID-19

Example: Future Technology Impact

Contact me


Company Builder/Consultant:

  • General industrial software company (annual revenues <$1M-$25M) strategic consulting

  • Helping “stuck” companies (sales, product strategy, etc.) find their stride

  • Helping existing/growing companies considering an exit process move to the next-level, focusing pre-acquisition to maximize value

Example: Private Equity Research

Example: SaaS Company Coaching

Contact me

Public Speaker:

  • Motivational speaker/evangelist for organizations that need their CMMS/EAM kick-started or take to the next level.

  • Public speaking/lecturer - see topics here

  • Panelist

    Contact me