Industrial/Manufacturing SaaS
Software Visionary

My Bigfoot CMMS/EAM platform now part of Siemens! Brightly Software acquired by Siemens.

Checkout my tech insights/M&A report on “Manufacturing Operations Management

Do any of these needs resonate with you?

  • I am a Private Equity/investment organization looking to invest in the industrial technology sectors.

  • I need help bridging my products/organization to serve the manufacturing/operations/maintenance technology world and need some subject matter expertise.

  • I have a growing industrial cloud software company and receive emails from investment firms and I’m not sure if I am ready to sell.

  • I’d like to get my software company to the next level - sales, marketing, product, etc.

Who am I?

Life-long entrepreneur and company-builder with focus on industrial software (CMMS/EAM and related). I’ve organically, ethically and passionately grown and successfully sold 2 software companies. I am always learning and sharing my experiences to help others.  My unique journey has taken me from micro-startup into the growth years, all the way to integrating and thriving within a large organization. I understand what it takes to successfully build a company from scratch, survive tough economies and markets, take advantage of opportunities, thrive and endure the acquisition process and successfully merge & integrate with a new home.

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Operations Software Visionary

After 25+ years creating software & technology solutions for numerous industries (manufacturing, education, healthcare, life-sciences, municipalities, etc.) focused on superior operations, I’ve seen a lot. Technology platforms have changed, but the goal remains the same: superior asset maintenance begins with solid technology solutions. IoT/Industry 4.0, mobility and the cloud reign supreme now. I’ve been there/done that and continue to chart the next trends.


Cloud Software Company Builder

Starting in my college dorm room, I have successfully grown and sold 2 software companies. Like all successful entrepreneurs, I have enjoyed the victories and weathered the storms - but most importantly: I’ve worked hard, learned along the way and never gave up. I understand what it takes to grow a company and position best for next level - continued growth or possible sale.

If you need help investing in the manufacturing technology market, growing your cloud software company, or navigating the complex and diverse world of manufacturing technology, I can help - check out my services.